The data dilemma: Unlocking efficiency without overburdening your team

Thomas Feenstra
September 21, 2023
minute read

In today's rapidly digitizing industrial landscape, the pressure to collect, analyze, and act on data is ever-mounting. But with limited human resources, how do industries keep pace without overtaxing their staff? Dive deep into how outsourcing your data collection can revolutionize operations and bring peace of mind to your people.

The Pressure Points

During recent consultations at marine and energy companies, Helin consistently encountered the same challenge: a scarcity of hands on deck. This means everyday operational tasks receive less support, placing an immense strain on a few key staff members. This centralized knowledge poses not just operational risks, but interpersonal ones too.

The Operational Strain

With limited staffing, fundamental questions arise:

  • How can scheduling be optimized?
  • Can environmental and safety standards be upheld with an overburdened staff?
  • How can employee satisfaction be maintained?
  • What's the impact of losing a single expert?

The Indispensability of Data

Ignoring data is not an option. It's the backbone of smooth operations, illuminating performance trends and crucial statistics. But with limited time and resources, industries often face a dichotomy: either have staff collect the data or utilize it to enhance operations.

The Misconception of 'Doing it All'

Security concerns often drive organizations to think they must manage both data collection and analysis internally. But with the time crunch, which one takes precedence?

The Plumbing Paradigm

Think of data collection as plumbing. It's foundational, ensuring everything else functions seamlessly. By outsourcing data collection, like you would with plumbing, your in-house experts can focus on the core tasks—embedding solutions, optimizing KPIs, and producing profound analyses.

Guarding Your Intellectual Property

A significant concern with outsourcing is the potential loss of intellectual property. But the true value of your data is unlocked in its analysis, amalgamated with your unique industry knowledge. With robust security protocols, outsourcing ensures data remains intact and confidential.

Helin's Solution

Helin steps in with a bespoke approach to data collection at the edge, transmitting your data with unparalleled security. Our proficiency liberates your team to center on data interpretation, repositioning them firmly in their expert roles.

Unlock the full potential of your operations with Helin, and let your people thrive in what they do best.

For more on how our platform can aid in enhancing efficiency, safety, and sustainability of industrial assets, connect with us ( Your journey towards optimal operational efficiency starts here.

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