requirements for generators

Realtime Interface (RTI)

As of January 2024, all new solar parks, wind turbines and batteries with a capacity >1 MW should be implemented with a Realtime Interface (RTI) according to new regulations in The Netherlands. With this grid operators have the ability to reduce the output of installations and safeguard the grid in any circumstance. Our plug-and-play platform is designed with this requirement in mind, making it easy to optimize the use and control of your assets, whilst being compliant to market regulations.

Why RTI is needed

Grid code compliance

The RTI was created as a solution to the difficulties brought on by the increasing grid integration of renewable energy sources, which has made grid management more unpredictable and complex. Our RTI solution is built to fully comply with regulations in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the EU.

  • Compliance with national & EU regulation (RfG 2016/631)
  • We are one of the few certified RTI partner by Netbeheer Nederland
  • Already comply with updates to the RTI foreseen for 2026

Fast supply-grid connection

Over the last couple of years it has become more challenging to get an energy connection for businesses in the Netherlands. By adding a RTI to your existing site you'll make sure that any waiting list is skipped in case of future power supply addition and expansion.

    Contribute to a resilient grid

    The RTI was created as a solution to the difficulties brought on by the increasing grid integration of renewable energy sources, which has made grid management more unpredictable and complex.

    • Create more connection capacity for anyone on the grid
    • Works as an emergency brake in times of congestion but also as a green light when there is more capacity on the grid

    What is the Real time Interface (RTI)?

    The Real-time Interface (RTI) is developed by Netbeheer Nederland (NBNL) to standardize grid operator control across the country, and to comply with the EU’s Network Code for Requirements for Generators (NC RfG). Every generation and storage site with a capacity of 1 - 50 MW needs, by law, to comply with this regulation. This regulation will likely become the standard for all assets in the near future.

    Our Smart Grid Manager is designed to comply with RTI, which makes Helin a certified RTI customer end-point provider of Netbeheer Nederland.

    The RTI V1.0 is by design developed based on a physical and wired connection between the grid operator RTI and the customer endpoint RTI (you). Therefore it is needed to install some hardware on the location. This wired connection, which communicates through the IEC 61850 protocol, is adopted by the Helin RTI. It's communication is translated into the languague of the inverter.

    Such a setup makes sure that your assets behaves accordingly to the control command by the grid operator. The RTI V2.0 will be based on a digital connection, limiting the need for additional hardware, however, the V2.0 is still in its early stage and is expected to go live mid 2026. 

    "We are very pleased that after the publication of the Dutch Real-Time Interface standard, a handful of parties, including Helin, are offering a Real-Time Interface product, giving owners of solar and wind parks a choice!"
    Marijke J. Vos
    Chair of the RTI steering group, Netbeheer Nederland

    "We are thrilled to be recognized as one of the frontrunners with our certification for RTI. Our platform is already fully prepared and operational for the future requirements of the RTI in 2026, where secure internet connections will play a critical role. So, our clients can be assured we have a proven, future-ready setup."

    Martijn Handels
    CTO, Helin

    How to implement the RTI

    Whether you've been mandated to implement a RTI solution or you're taking action to meet future challenges, we will help with the implementation. But where do you start? Follow our three-step process to implementing a RTI.

    1. Assess where RTI needed

    For new generation and storage sites with a capacity >1 MW a RTI is currently mandated. However the implementation also has benefits for existing generation and storage sites. By adding a RTI in these situations you can avoid the waiting list for any planned expansions in the near future.

    2. Helin takes care of configuration & integration

    When implementing the RTI our team will act as implementation partner and set up the configuration. The flexibility of our RTI solution ensures minimal disruption during the work of deployment.

    3. Integrated solution for current & future success

    Once the installation is complete the system can receive and process control commands through standard communication protocols that are already used in your environment. with this technical framework we've established the possibility to seamlessly communicate and coordinate between electricity generators and grid operators.

    Get to know our solutions

    We are Helin

    The renewable energy industry is a young industry with many technical problems arising. Our solution standardizes data architecture in the renewable energy sector to minimize eroors and prevent negative returns.


    Still unsure what the RTI is, whether it applies to you, or how to implement it? Check out our most frequently asked questions.

    Who does the RTI apply to?
    What use cases does the RTI apply to?
    What access is granted to grid operators under the RTI?
    Do all grid operators require the same RTI specification?
    How do I know if a solution is compliant with RTI?
    Do users of the RTI need to undertake any training?
    I have more detailed question on the RTI, who should I contact? 

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