Run safe remote offshore and maritime operations
You want to make your 24/7 operating remote fleet efficient and safe. Having to rely on satellites for communication, local crews and a large variety of machines make it difficult to standardize. One of your main targets is to minimize your environmental footprint.
How the Helin platform works for the offshore and maritime industries
Our platform unifies your data sources and manages intermitted connectivity. We lift your sometimes 20-year old assets to a future-proof integrated fleet. From reducing fuel consumption to automatic reporting. And from remote support to smart safety alerts.
Unified data sources
It can be quite a challenge to unify your legacy assets’ different data protocols. With Helin, you connect multiple sources and data streams easily, regardless of your hardware.
Fully integrated fleet
Your remote vessels need real-time support. This requires proper integration. Doing so avoids needing to change your systems every 3-4 years.
Smart safety alerts
Increase crew safety with Helin’s smart safety alerts that avoid dangerous situations the moment they arise, whether onboard or offshore.
Trusted by forward-thinking companies in offshore and maritime
Meet some of the offshore and maritime companies that already use Helin’s innovative edge analytics and monitoring solutions.
Get real-time insights into offshore vessel operators
With edge computing, you capture high frequency, real-time data from sensors on onboard equipment. Use this real-time data to integrate your fleet and improve the safety and efficiency of your daily operations.
Ensure crew safety on drill rigs and remote vessels
Provide remote support and implement smart safety alerts to protect your crew from potentially dangerous situations. Make better and safer decisions faster, based on sub-second data with low latency.
Reduce fuel consumption and optimize maintenance strategies
Asset optimization lets you reduce fuel consumption of your remote vessels. Helin also helps maritime companies develop robust and effective predictive maintenance strategies, with more uptime as a result.
Transforming remote offshore
and maritime operations
Ready for real-time insights into your offshore and maritime assets? We’d be happy to tell you more.