Renewable energy transition

Minimize errors and prevent negative returns

The renewable energy industry is quite young and technical problems are common. Helin standardizes data architecture in the renewable energy sector to minimize errors and prevent negative returns.

How it works

How the Helin platform works for the renewable energy sector

Our platform delivers freedom to be agnostic to what type of inverter, wind turbine or geothermal ESP you select. It provides you with the ownership to control your operation and flexibility to adjust to new inventions within your domain.

Hardware agnostic

Helin offers you the means to ingest sensor data in any format or protocol, making it completely hardware agnostic.

Control your operation

A standardized way of handling data not only enhances your operational efficiency, it also means you’re in full control.

Flexibility and innovation

The renewable energy industry is constantly evolving. A secure edge computing ecosystem prepares you for future developments.

Set up an effective congestion management strategy

The energy grid requires split-second decisions to maintain stability. AI in combination with edge computing is currently the only technology capable of processing vast amounts of data and making real-time decisions to manage congestion effectively.

Create smart local renewable energy grids

Helin’s proprietary Smart Grid Manager is plug-and-play middleware that enables creating local smart grids by combining generation and consumption data. This system connects your solar or wind farm to your asset and energy management systems.

Prevent negative returns for your PV or wind farm

Turn your legacy assets into ‘smart’, secure and sustainable powerhouses with our industrial edge intelligence platform. Use this system to create local smart grids, optimize renewable energy generation and prevent negative returns.

Minimize errors and

prevent negative returns

Ready to optimize the power generation of your renewable energy installations? We’d be happy to tell you more.